Thursday, February 18, 2010

My Vision for Bike Paths

Sometime in the year 2020 the bike paths in the Allentown/Lehigh County park system will be expanded to allow cars.

  "Not everyone can ride a bike or walk a footpath, and we think allowing cars to drive through the parks will enhance the experience for residents" explained Mayor Weitzel. "We do plan a mandatory 75 MPH speed limit, allowing us to apply for Federal department of Transportation funds to pave and maintain the new roadway. We also haven't ruled out making it a TOLL Road."

  It's gonna happen, I'm tellin' you now. Lights in the Parkway was the first wave.

  The bad ideas and ignorance of the past from Mayor McCheese Pawlowski and his Shamburglars keeps surprising me. Here's an inconvenient tidbit from Mike Molovinsky's blog:


"Last year, a consultant recommended in a study of Trexler Park that cyclists be banned.

Efforts to confine walkers and bicyclists to separate lanes have not been effective, and the cyclists are dangerous to pedestrians, the study, by Andropogon Associates Ltd. of Philadelphia, concluded. "
   If it was such a bad idea in 1989, why is it a great idea now? It isn't.

1 comment:

  1. wow

    that is an interesting bit of research

    and a good question asking what has changed



Political correctness isn't my strong suit.