Monday, February 8, 2010

Poofin' the Hoopty

My Wife has made a slight suggestion that I have decided to follow. She doesn't mind my bloggin' but she wants me to quit tradin' barbs with the troll.

  She doesn't want me gettin' down in the gutter with him. Some of the other Blog people want me to ignore him and go back to my clown postings.

  I'm gonna POOF those couple of posts and stop right there. I'm not pullin' an LVCI and bailin' all the way even though I respect the guy. LVCI did what he thought best for him. I'm doing what's best for me. (and to please my other half, I admit it.)

The Clowns are still gonna catch hell. Troll can claim whatever he wants, but they got a point. He ain't worth the bother, and we are gonna move.


  1. Shittin' your pants we see :)

  2. No Troll, just tryin' to keep my wife happy. And then you prove her point . You are uinstable. You are a fuckin whack job, and she is scared of you and your creepy wife and your kid, who looks more like the kid from the "Omen" every day.

  3. Third Baseman,
    Is it really necessary to bring a child into your Clown Games? You are truly pathetic taking jabs at a child that is not even in elementary school and calling him names. You must be really desperate for a reaction. I think you are the one that is "creepy and a whack job" for calling a kindergarten child names and talking about your dogs urine smell. Your behavior is by no mean normal.
    I am sure you will not post this and if you do you will attribute this post to Bill V.

  4. You know Anon,I was wrong to bring the kid in. My Wife gave nme Holy Hell about that.
    But you gotta understand where I am coming from. The dead person that started this whole parade died four years ago. Her daddy and Step Mommy need to seek out some serious grief counseling. The Whole damn neighborhood has put up with him and his crusade for almost four damn years. The drunk went to prison. All daddy boy wants is to keep everybody paying attention to him. he is addicted to being pitied and being paid attention to. The more the neighborhood ignores them, the crazier they get. We can't fuckin' win. He still doesn't know who I am and it's driving him batshit. And my friends won't give me up because they hate him too.
    My Wife is scared of them, and if you were around here you would be too. I was wrong about saying the kid looked like Damien in the Omen. I shant' have done that, as Pop Pop would say. They look like the Omen family, is that better?

  5. We know who you are.

  6. Okay Anon. You know who I am? Then march your napoleon complex ass down the street to my front door and ring the god damn bell. I'm home from work now. Wife's taking our baby to my Mom's before going to her job. I will be here all by myself all day. Just me and the the dog. Put on your best skirt and drop by. I'll get out of bed just to say hello.

  7. What's that shit smell? Oh it's your underwear (and your wife's).

  8. "ring the god damn bell. I'm home from work now."

    Hey 3B, I dare you to email Villa your address. Knowing him (and I do), he'll be down there in 30 seconds and you'll be praying that old dog of yours (and the old lady) had some teeth. You're all talk and a fuckin' pussy.

  9. Tell your one and only follower Dick Nepon to go fuck himself.

  10. Got home from work at 6:30 AM and what do I find? People wonder why nobody likes Troll Boy?
    Whaddaya mean email me my address? Here's a clue, Troll Boy. Take a look at your Sheena Squad bulk list. I am IN THERE. And why should I email you my address? You claim you know who I am, and where I live. I was home all day yesterday, and I will be again today. It is a short walk to the West Side Diner Troll Boy. Maybe five minutes? I get up around three. I am going to take the Dog for a walk now before I go to bed. Come out and say Hello, if you dare.

    You don't know for sure who I am, and it is killing you. Good. Talk about a Pussy. You threaten my wife, my family, and my friends. You threaten people and justify it because your daughter died. You bash Nepon because he had the balls to challenge the mayor. You just wish you had balls. PUSSY

  11. Andrew Bailey - Sheena SquadFebruary 16, 2010 at 9:18 AM

    Mr. (Ass) Clown,

    I see you are a family man and that your quite comfortable having to ask your wife permission to do things. Could you just ask your wife if it would be okay for you to be a man for a minute and actually show your face. If you are as righteous as you claim to be, you should have no problem exposing yourself to the world and standing behind your taunts and threats.

    You know the Ku Klux Klan wears sheets over thier heads when they do thier business and thats we call cowardice. They dont let anyone know who they are so they dont have to incur the consequences of thier words and actions.

    The Villas on the other hand have no problem letting people know who they are and what they feel. Some dont like it, some hate it. But they dont hide behind the anonymity of thier computer like a bunch of cowards, they stand, despite objections and contraversy and continue to talk - even if its something no one wants to hear - which judging from your readership. vs thiers, is obviously not the case.

    Why do you have such a problem doing the same? If you have something to say, come out and say it. Let us know who you are and why you feel the way you do, not this clandestine, shady BS where you make (empty) threats from behind your computer screen and pull this little highschool harry horseshit and (supposedly) have a dog piss on a garage. Ohhhhhhh, wow you are TOUGH!! Do you also write bad words about the Villas on bathroom walls like the girls in highschool did?? I bet you complain to your mom about that nasty bully bill villa and his pot-stirring. Wah Wah Wah.

    Post this, I dare you. Oh no wait, you ARE a coward...

  12. Need I say more. This is what I'm talking about. You wonder why people ignore you. Are you Bill or Andy? Oopsie! I'm glad I answered this before i go to bed. Just answer me why you excuse the actions of bill Villa towards Mike Donovan, who lost a child in infancy? Answer that for me Mr Righteous. I will check in before I leave for work tonight surprise me. PUSSY.

  13. Andrew Bailey - Sheena SquadFebruary 16, 2010 at 10:54 AM

    Its amazing...your actually a troll on your own blog. How does that work?

    Anyways, this is Andrew. Im putting my name out there to show you how to be a MAN and not hide behind your wifes stiff little finger. Im not being righteous, if you actually read what I wrote, I explained to you that despite the things Bill says, he doesnt HIDE behind anonymity like you. The same goes for Donovan. Bill says what he said, whether the readership agrees or not is not the question. The fact is that he outright said it to Mike and made no qualms about it. If your so tough, youd do the same and let everyone know who you are and stand behind your words. Is there something that scares you about standing behind your words and actions?? Consequences?? Possibly the odd chance that your actually wrong?? Or is it something deeper?? Do you get some sort of vigilante kick out of writing anonymous smack about a dead girl??

    I am anxious for your response.

  14. Like I said Andrew, You are good little Villa puppet. I am not writing about Sheena, I am writing about the ASSinine behavior of her so called Father. You ever see those funerals in Tehran on TV where they toss the dead person around in a parade? It's been four years and he is still doing it! It is disgusting, he has no respect for his own dead offspring.

    You are calling me a TROLL? Who's bidding are you doing again? Are you helping Bill to identify all the people who don't agree with him? Maybe you should change your name to Andy "Brown Shirt" Bailey.

    Ask yourself this Brown shirt, just what do all the people that Villa has declared as "Undesirables" have to do with Sheena's death at the hands of a drunk driver?
    Was Bernie O'Hare buying Bobby drinks? Did Mike Donovan buy him his car? Did Najarian defend him? These people have nothing to do with what happened to her.
    It's just an excuse for him to behave badly. You know me Andy, why don't you come knock on my door and confront me?
    You just don't get the point that what you are doing is so stupid. I would have answered this last night but I had things to do and never got around to checking the 'net before I left for my shift. It's called a life, you should get one. Spending your time guarding Bill Villa seems like a pretty stupid way to spend it. It's a free country and I still get to choose my friends and neighbors.
