Sunday, October 25, 2009

City Council Clowns/Candidates have no Clue

   This Morning I open up the plastic bag on my porch/lawn/somwhere and pull out my daily paper and read THIS by Jarrett Renshaw 
   The guy writes this article about how last year the city was six million in the hole, (That's one Bionic Steve Austin) and this year it will be nine million in the hole. (That's one Jaime Sommers, the Bionic woman, three years later, with inflation.)
   Didn't we just have a mayoral debate on live TV where the mayor said everything was wonderful, that there was no deficit?
   What am I missing here? The Mayor lies, and the newspaper is calling out the City Council candidates?
   Only two of the 6 candidates are incumbents, Mike and Julio, who are running a crap game with the mayor's blessing down by the school yard, just ask Paul Simon.

   Julio has suggested that taxes might have to be raised to fix the budget. Why would he care? He will just get a big fat COLA raise from the bridge committee and that will take care of his problem. The rest of us can just boil cabbage in a pot to eat, while the Bridge commission has catered affairs and receptions on how to spend or invest hundreds of millions in tolls.

   The Used car salesman, Mike Schlossberg, admits his plan won't do much, but he has that chamber of commerce job, so he won't be sweating. I think he rents a house and doesn't own it in Allentown. Not that it makes a difference, but I would feel better about him as a candidate if I knew he had firmer roots. I can't help but think he will pull a Cunningham and head for bigger things if they happen to come along.

   I was all set to vote for O'Connell, but now he goes all His majesty's party line and says raising taxes should be considered, as a Last Resort. Hell no, Ray, get rid of those 25 administrative positions in city hall first before you raise my taxes. Cut the Mayor's posse down to size. If that is good enough to fund some cops, why not just do it anyway and save some money?

   What really kills me about all these clowns are how they are supposed to be so smart and college educated. D'Amore is a college professor. Guridy has a degree from ESU, even though he can't speak English. Schlossberg is like a puppy, following his master, and O'Conneell seems to be bringing that same genius he exhibited on the ASD board to City Hall. NO THANK YOU, CLOWNS
  For as smart as all these guys claim to be, the most intelligent thing I have read in the entire campaign came from Joe Brudnak, the blue collar guy that drives a fuel truck.

    "I know that in my house I don't spend more than I earn."

 And he didn't need a college degree to know that!

   It is too bad that on election day we will probably elect a bunch of college educated clowns without a lick of common sense, who follow the marching orders of a mayor who plays three card monte with budget figures.
   It's too bad we can't do what NBC did with a TV show before it aired, and cancel the election, and start all over with new candidates. These candidates have about as much clue to balance the city budget as Ronald McDonald has to make a Big Mac. But his Majesty Ed's horses and all of his men, (All four Pawlowski approved candidates are men) can't put the city budget back into balance again.
   They are CLOWNS, not Magicians, and that is what it would take.

1 comment:

Political correctness isn't my strong suit.