Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Allentown Library/Firing Range? Same Difference!

    This morning I read a hilarious headline in the Allentown Morning Call.

   Windows shot out at Library

   The article said that sometime between 6 PM Friday and 11 AM Monday, two windows were shot out with a BB gun at the downtown library. The estimated damage was $3000 dollars.

   I have a couple of questions on this one.

   Why would you shoot at a library? Did you lose all your money in one of the back aisle crap games?

  I am also wondering what kind of windows cost $1500 a piece? They obviously were not bulletproof, if a BB gun can bust them.

 How safe can Allentown be if the library is getting shot up on the weekends?

I've got a lot of questions, but nobody seems to have any answers. The Allentown Keystone Cops brigade is being reassigned to IRAQ er, I mean center city for another politically motivated show of force against crime, but we all know how that is going to work out, once the election is over.

   Yep, the Mayor wants to look like he's doing something, so it's time for a few well timed crack downs on the criminal elements. the Mayor is doing what you think he is doing, that's right, he's

   Sending in the Clowns!

1 comment:

Political correctness isn't my strong suit.