Tuesday, October 13, 2009

This guy Mike Schlossberg strikes me as like a Sideshow Bob.

   You ever buy a used car? When Mike Schlossberg came a knocking on our door, I felt like the guy from a used car lot was trying to sell me something. I kept wondering if he dumped a bag of sawdust on the ground where the car leaked oil to try and cover it up.

  Schlossberg was trying to be nice, but I have this thing that I think people are lying to me, or trying to sell me a bag of crap when their voice keeps getting higher when they want to sell me something I don't really need.

   I don't really need Mike Schlossberg representing me on Allentown City Council. I got the feeling that Mike Schlossberg needs to be on City Council to further his own career more than he would be doing anything to further my concerns as a taxpayer.

  It was sort of like the guy on the Used car lot. The Used car guy needs to sell me a car a hell of a lot more than I need one, and that's how this Schlossberg character came across to me.
  I think of Used car salesmen as clowns, and that is how Mike Schlossberg seems to me. I googled him and checked out his campaign website, as well as his facebook page. I saw he was endorsed by two of my not so favorite people, my State representative Jennifer manly Mann, and Mayor krusty the Klown himself, Ed Pawlowski. I tried to upload Schlossberg's picture for this post, but it failed. I haven't figured out how to do links yet either, so I guess that makes me a Blog Clown.

   I don't know who I will vote for on November 3, but I know who I am not voting for. I may write in someone for Mayor because I don't like Mayor Krusty or Candidate Homey. But I sure as hell am not voting for Sideshow Bob Schlossberg, and I won't vote for Clarabelle Hershman either.

   Time to wrap this up. Don't vote for the clowns! Don't send them to City Hall!


  1. you don't have a good attitude, until which time i again teach diplomacy at the community college, i suggest walking a new puppy on the sunny side of the street

  2. I appreciate your analysis of Mr. Schlossberg as I have always been left with the same impression of this professional politician in-training.

    A rising star in the local Democratic party, I read other places...


  3. I read your comment asking about how to do links. I promise to keep your anonymity, and I will talk you through it by email. It isn't hard.

    Email me at cc3bg61@yahoo.com Chris Casey

  4. Mr. Schlossberg sur' do talk pretty tho'

    Schlossberg graduated magna cum laude from Muhlenberg College with a Bachelors degree in Political Science and Psychology.. Schlossberg continued his education at Lehigh University, where he earned his Masters degree in Political Science.

    He has also served as a political aide to Governor Rendell, Senator Bob Casey, State Representatives Bob Freeman and Joe Brennan, and Lehigh County Judge Michele Varricchio.

    Sorry but there's just a little too much career politician in his blood for my tastes

  5. Okay, I have to defend Mike here.I think he is a good guy who has spent a great deal of time getting the education needed to try and make government work for the people. He also helped me get started in my state rep campaign back in 2006. I have a soft spot for young go getters. We can't convict him of any political crimes on who he associates with. He will likely win, and maybe he will surprise people with what he accomplishes. You never know

    - Chris Casey

  6. Mark, we all know it is you, Greg showed you what to do, but you are an idiot. I bet Marie doesn't know you blog either. Moron.

  7. He is also the guy from the Chamber, which also is looking for influence. Mike is/was a nice guy, but he sees this as a way to build his future, and will vote party and Pawlowski before he considers the public. He is not an Eichenwald, or even a Donavan when it comes to representing the common man. Bought and paid for is Schlossberg. He has never challenged anything in Allentown. He has offered no plan except to support Ed.

  8. Having met Mike on a number of occasions, I want to simply state that he's a really nice guy who deserves the benefit of the doubt.

    I don't know if you've ever gone door to door for anything before, but let me assure you that it is difficult to do a door-to-door campaign and remain convincingly genuine. It's not nec. that Schlossberg ISN'T genuine - it could just be that he was simply worn out from all the leg work. (Hey, it happens.)

    But you gotta give the guy props for literally going door to door to get votes. Now, that's some old fashioned politicking, and I admire the effort. In terms of his politics, he's a democrat thru and thru, so if you don't like the Pawlowski agenda, he's not your guy.

    It's fair to judge him on his politics, but I think your personal impression of him was off the mark. He's an energetic, young guy who has worked VERY hard for his entire (short) career. I'll be very interested to see what he does on council, and I wish him luck.


Political correctness isn't my strong suit.