Sunday, October 18, 2009

I am Writing in Bob Lovett for mayor on November 3, because he is not a clown

    The weather around here lately is just like our choices for elected office, Crappy!

   I have been thinkin' a lot about what I was going to do voting wise, and I have decided that I am going to write in Bob Lovett for Mayor. Yada yada yada, I know, he lost to Roy back in 2001, but I can't stand either of the idiots on the ballot.

   Bob Lovett was the last guy I can remember with a brain to run for Mayor, so that is who I am writing in.
   I know he has no chance in Hell, but it is my way of using my right to vote. If you don't like it, write in your own candidate, I can't stop you, and you can't stop me. But wouldn't it be cool if we could just get like a hundred people to write in Bob Lovett as a protest against the sorry jerks we have running? Bob Lovett is not a clown, so I am voting for Bob, and I don't think I am wasting my vote, I am making a statement.

   Now back to one big class of Clowns, which includes most of the people on the  Allentown City Council ballot. I am going to be responsible for a bit of "Undervoting."
   I get to choose four of the six on the ballot, but I have decided I will only vote for two, Ray O'Connell and Joe Brudnak, working guys like me. The rest of them are not what we need, for different reasons. I like the old guy for his spunk, but I dislike him for pulling an Arlen. Hershman was in office for three decades, and I am in an anti anybody who ever served mood. Sorry Mr. Hershman.
   I hate slick talking politicians. I don't like Mike and Mike in the morning on ESPN radio, and I sure as hell am not going to vote for the local version of Mike and Mike. (D'amore and Schlossberg) Everytime I think the sports radio guys are yammering idiots, I hear something from his majesty Ed's two yes men and I get a headache. I think D'amore's supposed diffs with Ed are only for Show, and Schlossberg tells anyone who will listen that the Mayor endorsed him. I would be better off voting for the two ESPN morning Mike and Mike morons than the local two.

  I will probably get called a racist for this, but I think Julio Guridy is stupid, and it has nothing to do with his race. He is just stupid. He doesn't do anything but go along with whatever the Democrat mayor tells him. He did it under Roy and he still does it under Ed. I don't think he has had an original thought in eight years, all he does is the basic whatever is needed to cover his political ass. I didn't know he was on the Bridge committee, and nobody can tell me exactly what he does there, or what qualified him to be on it, other than he was buddies with Fat Ed Rendell.
   For a guy who went to college locally, he can't seem to speak or write in English with any kind of competence. My grammar isn't that great, but people can understand me when I speak. I was able to read his campaign website from the links of another blog, and many of his sentences make no sense.
   Pretty much just like his eight years on Council.

   I am writing in Bob Lovett for Mayor, and voting Ray O'Connell and Joe Brudnak for City Council.

  The rest of the Clowns can get in their clown Cars and move to Florida, New Jersey or Puerto Rico for all I care.


1 comment:

  1. lovett is a good write-in choice. i will advocate for hershman, only hoping to place at least a speed bump in pawlowski's future legislation.

    the city released the agenda for next week's council meeting. a 3/4million dollar appropriation does not identify the recipient (i believe the butz restaurant project)


Political correctness isn't my strong suit.