Saturday, December 5, 2009

My identity crisis and the blog with 350 million comments

  Damn, it's bad enough I have to look in the mirror everyday and see my scars. I am used to it, and my wife sees what is behind them so it is cool.
  But now this Bill Villa turd is accusing me of being Chris Casey.

  Chris is one of my few buds. When Uncle Sam released me, he didn't walk away when I came to the support group. He shook my hand.

  I admit I get pissed off and let Villa push my buttons when he ripped Casey on the blogs. All this year I have been reading trash on my man, but the guy doesn't let it faze him. I wish I had that, the superpower to just blow it all off.

    I don't know what to do, but I was reading facebook, about how they have 350 million users.

  That's is nothing, Bill Turd Villa has 350 million comments on his blog. 349,999,999 of them are by him and his wife. Now I feel better. fuck him if he can't take a joke.


  1. You are quite the wit, aren't you? Betcha you're darn proud of it, too. (Oh-oh, I wrote betcha, now you're either gonna call me Villa or a second-grade dropout).
    Seriously, why the fixation on Villa? Why take shots at him here and on other's blogs? Don't you have enough intellectual depth to come up with new material? Bring something new to the table. Or else you'll be continue to be mistaken for the same old people who have become boring by writing all Villa all the time. Personally, I'd like to see or read about something else.

  2. Psst. Anon, I am going to tell you a secret. All Blogs are written by the same person. My name is Bill Gates, and I devised a Computer progran to write then all.
    Windows has a mind control technology in it that assigns people to play out different roles. I am in my home outside Seattle right now manipulating all your minds. Or am I? Just who is in control of who?

    Kidding, I am actually part of the Morning Call,Lehigh County District Attorney, town Hall Bloggers conspiracy to keep the truth about Drunk drivers in Lehigh County out of the news. Next we will be starting our secret plan to get Jim Martin elected to the State Supreme Court.

    And that is the Truth!


Political correctness isn't my strong suit.