Tuesday, October 27, 2009

King Edwin puts his family on TV!

   Last night I was sitting in front of my TV, watching the Channel 69 happy time news, when immediately after sports I was submitted to a sight I could not believe. The smirking members of the Pawlowski family, all four of them.
  Did you know that not only is Ed our mayor, but he also lives in Allentown?

  How frickin' noble of him to live among us peasants! The feudal Lord getting on down with the poor!

  And then he is going on about how the City has a balanced budget!

  Get the hell out!

  I hope he isn't teaching his kids the same Math that he is using! How the hell does he go on TV and say this stuff?! This guy is absolutely incredible! Does having his wife and kids on the couch with him while he spouts this crap about a balanced budget make it any more believable to you?

   It sure as hell don't to me!

   And the whole family is smirking, even the wife and kids! My wife made me laugh out loud, because she was shaking her head. "That poor girl, looking like her father, now that's a curse!"

   I know, I know, don't pick on the guys' kids, but Christ, if he don't want to have them as targets, don't use them as shields in your campaign commercials. King Ed is no better than that Balloon family, using his kids like that.

   I always wondered what Bozo the Clown's family looked like, now I know. If they do a follow up commercial, maybe the wife and kids could all put on clown white face and big red bulbous noses that light up when the mayor starts speaking or lying. (So they will be lit up all the time)
   Knowing his majesty, he will probably call it part of a green intiative or some crap.

  So I can't wait for the next 30 or 60 second episode of King Ed's Howdy Doody show. maybe the Queen will dress up as Clarabelle. I am on the edge of my seat, how about you?!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

City Council Clowns/Candidates have no Clue

   This Morning I open up the plastic bag on my porch/lawn/somwhere and pull out my daily paper and read THIS by Jarrett Renshaw 
   The guy writes this article about how last year the city was six million in the hole, (That's one Bionic Steve Austin) and this year it will be nine million in the hole. (That's one Jaime Sommers, the Bionic woman, three years later, with inflation.)
   Didn't we just have a mayoral debate on live TV where the mayor said everything was wonderful, that there was no deficit?
   What am I missing here? The Mayor lies, and the newspaper is calling out the City Council candidates?
   Only two of the 6 candidates are incumbents, Mike and Julio, who are running a crap game with the mayor's blessing down by the school yard, just ask Paul Simon.

   Julio has suggested that taxes might have to be raised to fix the budget. Why would he care? He will just get a big fat COLA raise from the bridge committee and that will take care of his problem. The rest of us can just boil cabbage in a pot to eat, while the Bridge commission has catered affairs and receptions on how to spend or invest hundreds of millions in tolls.

   The Used car salesman, Mike Schlossberg, admits his plan won't do much, but he has that chamber of commerce job, so he won't be sweating. I think he rents a house and doesn't own it in Allentown. Not that it makes a difference, but I would feel better about him as a candidate if I knew he had firmer roots. I can't help but think he will pull a Cunningham and head for bigger things if they happen to come along.

   I was all set to vote for O'Connell, but now he goes all His majesty's party line and says raising taxes should be considered, as a Last Resort. Hell no, Ray, get rid of those 25 administrative positions in city hall first before you raise my taxes. Cut the Mayor's posse down to size. If that is good enough to fund some cops, why not just do it anyway and save some money?

   What really kills me about all these clowns are how they are supposed to be so smart and college educated. D'Amore is a college professor. Guridy has a degree from ESU, even though he can't speak English. Schlossberg is like a puppy, following his master, and O'Conneell seems to be bringing that same genius he exhibited on the ASD board to City Hall. NO THANK YOU, CLOWNS
  For as smart as all these guys claim to be, the most intelligent thing I have read in the entire campaign came from Joe Brudnak, the blue collar guy that drives a fuel truck.

    "I know that in my house I don't spend more than I earn."

 And he didn't need a college degree to know that!

   It is too bad that on election day we will probably elect a bunch of college educated clowns without a lick of common sense, who follow the marching orders of a mayor who plays three card monte with budget figures.
   It's too bad we can't do what NBC did with a TV show before it aired, and cancel the election, and start all over with new candidates. These candidates have about as much clue to balance the city budget as Ronald McDonald has to make a Big Mac. But his Majesty Ed's horses and all of his men, (All four Pawlowski approved candidates are men) can't put the city budget back into balance again.
   They are CLOWNS, not Magicians, and that is what it would take.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

I watched the Mayoral "debate". I think Allentown is lost

I have written this election off. Then last night I had a choice. I could watch the paint dry in the bedroom I painted, or I could watch the debate before the Phils kicked some Blue Dodger butt.
  It was a tough decision, but my wife wanted to watch, and if I wanted peace during the Phils, I had to go along.
  About halfway through my wife turned to me and says "What planet does the mayor live on?" Were we that bad off when he took office?' If I have to hear him cry one more time about how tough his job was when he got it I will puke!"
   I don't want her puking anymore, I have had enough of that, after the infamous food poisoning weekend at the great Allentown fair.
  You know you love someone when you can clean up their puke. But that doesn't mean I want to do it all the time.
  So Ed Pawlowski made my wife want to puke. And people wonder why I am writing in Bob Lovett? Tony Phillips made her smile, but he still hasn't offered a plan, and that is the big deal breaker for me.
   Why did she smile? Tony Phillips made the Mayor squirm in his seat.

   Come on, really, what is the Mayor on? Whatever he is smoking that makes him so delusional about reality in the city, he should share that gold with the rest of us, maybe dump it in the water supply.
  How can he say the stuff he does with a straight face? Crime is not down. 70 new cops means we would have almost 300, not fewer than we had when Roy took office in 2001.
   The Mayor isn't even bothering to try and tell the truth. He just blinks, lies, and smiles, like a used car salesman. No wonder Schlossberg is his protege.
   Pawlowski has been telling the lies for so long he has started believing them. It happens. I see it in TV preachers all the time, and he would be a good one. I guess you could say he has sold the voters on the Gospel of Ed, sort of like Monty Python's Life of Brian, a Jesus Christ want to be.
   The problem is the Gospel according to Ed has about as much credibility as P.T. Barnum, who once decreed that a sucker is born every minute. I think one day the Circus came to Allentown and never left. We ended up electing the Clowns to run our government.

   I am back to this election being between Homey the Clown Phillips and Bozo the clown Pawlowski. I'm sticking to my decision, writing in the guy with a brain, Bob Lovett. I hate clowns. I want to send them all far away. Like to Iran.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I am Writing in Bob Lovett for mayor on November 3, because he is not a clown

    The weather around here lately is just like our choices for elected office, Crappy!

   I have been thinkin' a lot about what I was going to do voting wise, and I have decided that I am going to write in Bob Lovett for Mayor. Yada yada yada, I know, he lost to Roy back in 2001, but I can't stand either of the idiots on the ballot.

   Bob Lovett was the last guy I can remember with a brain to run for Mayor, so that is who I am writing in.
   I know he has no chance in Hell, but it is my way of using my right to vote. If you don't like it, write in your own candidate, I can't stop you, and you can't stop me. But wouldn't it be cool if we could just get like a hundred people to write in Bob Lovett as a protest against the sorry jerks we have running? Bob Lovett is not a clown, so I am voting for Bob, and I don't think I am wasting my vote, I am making a statement.

   Now back to one big class of Clowns, which includes most of the people on the  Allentown City Council ballot. I am going to be responsible for a bit of "Undervoting."
   I get to choose four of the six on the ballot, but I have decided I will only vote for two, Ray O'Connell and Joe Brudnak, working guys like me. The rest of them are not what we need, for different reasons. I like the old guy for his spunk, but I dislike him for pulling an Arlen. Hershman was in office for three decades, and I am in an anti anybody who ever served mood. Sorry Mr. Hershman.
   I hate slick talking politicians. I don't like Mike and Mike in the morning on ESPN radio, and I sure as hell am not going to vote for the local version of Mike and Mike. (D'amore and Schlossberg) Everytime I think the sports radio guys are yammering idiots, I hear something from his majesty Ed's two yes men and I get a headache. I think D'amore's supposed diffs with Ed are only for Show, and Schlossberg tells anyone who will listen that the Mayor endorsed him. I would be better off voting for the two ESPN morning Mike and Mike morons than the local two.

  I will probably get called a racist for this, but I think Julio Guridy is stupid, and it has nothing to do with his race. He is just stupid. He doesn't do anything but go along with whatever the Democrat mayor tells him. He did it under Roy and he still does it under Ed. I don't think he has had an original thought in eight years, all he does is the basic whatever is needed to cover his political ass. I didn't know he was on the Bridge committee, and nobody can tell me exactly what he does there, or what qualified him to be on it, other than he was buddies with Fat Ed Rendell.
   For a guy who went to college locally, he can't seem to speak or write in English with any kind of competence. My grammar isn't that great, but people can understand me when I speak. I was able to read his campaign website from the links of another blog, and many of his sentences make no sense.
   Pretty much just like his eight years on Council.

   I am writing in Bob Lovett for Mayor, and voting Ray O'Connell and Joe Brudnak for City Council.

  The rest of the Clowns can get in their clown Cars and move to Florida, New Jersey or Puerto Rico for all I care.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

This guy Mike Schlossberg strikes me as like a Sideshow Bob.

   You ever buy a used car? When Mike Schlossberg came a knocking on our door, I felt like the guy from a used car lot was trying to sell me something. I kept wondering if he dumped a bag of sawdust on the ground where the car leaked oil to try and cover it up.

  Schlossberg was trying to be nice, but I have this thing that I think people are lying to me, or trying to sell me a bag of crap when their voice keeps getting higher when they want to sell me something I don't really need.

   I don't really need Mike Schlossberg representing me on Allentown City Council. I got the feeling that Mike Schlossberg needs to be on City Council to further his own career more than he would be doing anything to further my concerns as a taxpayer.

  It was sort of like the guy on the Used car lot. The Used car guy needs to sell me a car a hell of a lot more than I need one, and that's how this Schlossberg character came across to me.
  I think of Used car salesmen as clowns, and that is how Mike Schlossberg seems to me. I googled him and checked out his campaign website, as well as his facebook page. I saw he was endorsed by two of my not so favorite people, my State representative Jennifer manly Mann, and Mayor krusty the Klown himself, Ed Pawlowski. I tried to upload Schlossberg's picture for this post, but it failed. I haven't figured out how to do links yet either, so I guess that makes me a Blog Clown.

   I don't know who I will vote for on November 3, but I know who I am not voting for. I may write in someone for Mayor because I don't like Mayor Krusty or Candidate Homey. But I sure as hell am not voting for Sideshow Bob Schlossberg, and I won't vote for Clarabelle Hershman either.

   Time to wrap this up. Don't vote for the clowns! Don't send them to City Hall!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Allentown Library/Firing Range? Same Difference!

    This morning I read a hilarious headline in the Allentown Morning Call.

   Windows shot out at Library

   The article said that sometime between 6 PM Friday and 11 AM Monday, two windows were shot out with a BB gun at the downtown library. The estimated damage was $3000 dollars.

   I have a couple of questions on this one.

   Why would you shoot at a library? Did you lose all your money in one of the back aisle crap games?

  I am also wondering what kind of windows cost $1500 a piece? They obviously were not bulletproof, if a BB gun can bust them.

 How safe can Allentown be if the library is getting shot up on the weekends?

I've got a lot of questions, but nobody seems to have any answers. The Allentown Keystone Cops brigade is being reassigned to IRAQ er, I mean center city for another politically motivated show of force against crime, but we all know how that is going to work out, once the election is over.

   Yep, the Mayor wants to look like he's doing something, so it's time for a few well timed crack downs on the criminal elements. the Mayor is doing what you think he is doing, that's right, he's

   Sending in the Clowns!